Wednesday 10 March 2010

Nature's Teaching

The wind blows..
Waking the world of nature..
It is time to spread the seeds of new life..
Mundane.. simple.. yet important..

The bee buzzes..
Calling its kind..
It is time to nurture the seeds of new life..
Natural.. unnoticed.. yet real..

The rain falls..
Paying a visit to earth ground..
It is time to grow the seeds of new life..
Repetitious.. basic.. yet strong..

The way the world speaks to us and teaches us is..
Mundane.. natural.. repetitious..
Simple.. unnoticed.. basic..
That we often take them for granted..

When we search behind the modesty..
We will find meanings that are..
Important.. real.. and strong..
Lessons that we can never live without..

-10 March 2010-


  1. Very true...Nature is the greatest teacher! Thanks for your kind comment. Spring is too short lived here...all the flowers are drying up, it's getting hot!

  2. Lovely poem. We are well into Spring here in the UK, and it is SO beautiful.

  3. Nita:

    I'm sorry for the late reply.. I'm just not a great friend of the internet lately.. :-)

    It is getting hotter here too with less and less rain falling.. Dry season is finally arriving..

    Have a nice summer (I know summer will be hot, but there are great things about it too) .. ;-)

  4. Rockingrector:

    Thank you for your visit and comment.. :-)

    I always love spring (although I live in a 2-season place).. Thoughts about spring bring me bright feelings..

    I wish you a wonderful spring.. :-)


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