Friday, 14 December 2007

Are You Ready for The Camp?


I know that you have been waiting for this to happen!!

Are you ready for the camp??? Do you really want it to happen??

We are still looking for the dates between 28-30 December 2007. However, there is a part where YOU have to put in to make sure this is going to HAPPEN!!

Make sure you 'drill' yourself into mastering everything you have learned so far, in:

  • Codes: Morse Code, Semaphore, Signs (sandi)
  • Knots: all the knots you have learned (simpul dan tali-temali)
  • Survival: Tracking Skills, Cooking, Weather-Reading, Distance and Mass Calculation

Also.. re-read all your notes about the THEORY! Organisational Structure of Indonesian Scout & Guide .. and .. Indonesian Red Cross.

Last but not least.. keep yourself fit, during and after the exam!

  • Change those coffees to hot chocolates!
  • Change those light snacks into light healthy meals to support your brain for your study.
  • Don't forget to do light exercise to balance your body and your mind!

Our best wishes for your exams.. and.. see you at the camp!

Saturday, 1 December 2007

Learning & Share to Make A Difference

You never know when your assistance is needed by others.

You never know either how you would react in a life-threatening situation.

It is alright if you are speechless or stiffled.

It is not to be ashamed of if you cry out of desperation or fear.

However, it might mean the difference between life and death to others if you have the chance to help and you know the right way to do it.

So, let's learn together and share.. :-)

Friday, 30 November 2007



Pretty much all my life has been taught in the way of Sir Baden Powell. I would like to share some of it (some that really left a trace in me) to all the teenagers who work, learn and play with me.

The things taught in Scouts & Guides life is not only theory. They are real and can be utilised in our lives to give a deeper meaning in each action that we make towards our better future in becoming a better human being.

In trying to be a better person, putting ourselves in other peoples's shoes is very important. Therefore, I tried to join other groups and activities to understand their existence and purposes better.

For the time being, this blog (or a part of it), will be dedicated to the purpose of information flow of the Al-Azhar GAPURA, which consists of the Scouts & Guide Brigade and the Youth Red Cross Team.

I hope we can grow something good from all the things we learn together.

-Go Teens!-

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